
Dauntless, on a successful die roll, temporarily gives low-strength players the same strength as the opponent they’re blocking. This gives the low-strength player the opportunity to throw a 1d or 2d block against higher strength players such as Chaos Warriors and Big Guys.

Jump Up

Jump Up (Agility) If a player declares any Action other than a Block Action while he is down, he may stand up for free without paying the three squares of movement. The player may also declare a Block Action while Prone which requires an Agility roll with a +2 modifier to see if he can … Read more

Pass Block

Pass Block allows you to move a player up to 3 spaces during an opponent’s passing sequence in the attempt to either intercept the ball or by disrupting the pass by adding tackle zone modifiers to either the pass or catch roll.


Pro is a skill useful for players who make many rolls throughout the game. It can be used to maximize the use of other skills without having to resort to a team-reroll.

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