Crunch Cup Courier #53

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag

Only two gold pieces!

‘… and while revenue and expenses have experienced week-on-week fluctuation, all falls within normative levels of standard deviation, so our operational outlook can broadly be said to be net-neutral when considering the whole as a fiscal concern.’

Grimgridge looked up from the desk’s sheaf-scattered surface. With his unbroken arm - don’t bother asking, dashed if he’ll tell me - he lowered the jam-jars and looked at me expectantly.

‘Ah, yes… all quite fascinating, what.’ I tried for myself to consider the whole as a fickle concierge, but found myself caught in two minds. I had just about pictured the door when I heard the hated words:

‘Does sir perhaps wish me to clarify any - ’

‘No, no, all is perfectly spotless,’ I said hastily. But I confess it, readers; in truth, spots were very much still a part of it. These accounts meetings were always cold casserole: so many figures, such maddeningly squiggly lines! Where is the need? This is a newspaper! Not a... a mathspaper.

‘Grimgridge,’ I said, seeking a change of subj. ‘Look here. Dashed if I don’t keep hearing the loopiest rumours, old spritz.’

‘Indeed, sir?’

‘Quite so. It’s the rummiest thing, but everyone I talk to thinks you’re trying to kill me! What do you make of that?’

My butl- sorry, steward - smiled warmly.

‘I can assure sir that such an act is the last thing on my mind.’

‘But still on the list, is it?’

‘M- most droll, sir.’

‘Ha! Yes, I thought so. Now, explain to me this flattish-looking graph chap. And for the benefit of all creation, speak plainly, will you? Dashed if I don’t fail to surmise why you aren’t more like your benev. overl. in that reg., viz: moi.’

‘Very good, sir. Since our arrival at the Courier, its financial position has remained stable. The publication is in broadly favourable health. It is good news, sir.’

I frowned.

‘So you say. But it couldn’t be worse, as I see the thing. We’re not in the mud, and I can’t even take the cred. for the whiteness of our petticoats. How am I supposed to perform my big rescue op. if the organ beats freely of the surgeon’s intervensh?’


‘Oh, never mind, Grimgridge. That’s all for today. I need some time to think things over.’

I sloped off towards the staff room, feeling an abjectness - abjectitude? Abjectivity? - known only before to the Gendelsson soul on the occasion of missed suppers.

The thing seemed all squiffy. How could this be the most troubled newspaper in the Old World if there was nothing obviously wrong with it? And if this wasn’t the most troub. newsp. in the o. w., what hope did I have of correcting my own personal squiggly-line graph, the one titled Estimation in Eyes of Father, from a nose-dive so steep it resembled - to pluck an image entirely at random - a Dwarf falling from a high ladder?

It was in such a state of mind that I nosed over the threshold to the staff room, in which I encountered what may be the most curious spectacle I have ever seen.

The first thing I saw was Igor Enthrop sat in a chaise longue. Igor’s one of the Courier’s many colourful characters: indeed, is more colourful than most, given he’s assembled himself from the (presumably) surplus body parts of just about every race to be found the world o’er.

If you think a chap in a chair is disappointingly incurious, reader, read on: laid out across the blighter’s lap was Enthrop no. 2, i.e. Luke, a lupinoid fellow whose only obvious concession to the civilised habit of dressing, a loincloth, was currently pooled about his furry ankles. Laid to one side of Igor was a little gilded box, in which there was an assortment of fingernails, laid out by length. Lastly, a blood-stained set of, what d’y’ call-ems, pinching fellows. Pliers, that’s it.

Presently Luke looked over his shoulder and saw me. Perceptive coves, these Werewolves. He started up in a panic, making a desperate grab for the l. c., only find himself gently, but firmly, held in check.

‘Igor, my clothes!’, he cried. The poor fellow was clearly mortified. ‘Gods, it’s the editor! This is so embarrassing!’

‘Hush, Luke, there’th nothing to be ashamed of,’ his brother replied. He chuckled. ‘One way or another, it’th all jutht hair down there anyway.’

While the younger Enthrop cringed, the elder carried on with his work. He seemed to be plucking things out of the Werewolf’s coat and flicking them into the fire, a task he performed with preternatural adroitness. At the ends of his scar-ridden fingers flashed a dainty set of jet-black nails that, at my best guess, probably once belonged to a Witch Elf.

‘This isn’t what it looks like!’, said Luke. I had no idea what he thought it could look like. ‘Igor’s just getting rid of some - some mosquitoes, aren’t you, Igor? Damn mozzies’ll bite just about anyone, ha-ha!’

‘That’th right, Luke, mothquitoeth,’ said Igor. He looked up and gave me a knowing smile. He mouthed the words ‘fleas’ - ‘fleath’, more accurately - and all became immediately clear.

I had recently read in one of my favourite periodicals, Convenient Facts Quarterly, that on reaching adolescence, Werewolves begin to attract a vast number of fleas. Something to do with their hormones, apparently. It takes a lot of work to keep on top of the problem, and, teenagers being teenagers, this is of course something they are extraordinarily sensitive about.

Scarcely has a discovery been more opportune! Here was I in search of a crisis - in need of someone in need - and what should fate deal me but a locust plague in miniature! It was the work of a moment to deduce how I could best assist these stricken souls.

‘Speaking of fleas,’ I began, ‘we had a pack of hunting hounds back at the old manse in Zhufbar - not for riding mind you, ha ha! Not after what happened to poor Lambchops, anyway. Well, whenever these mutts had problems with fleas we would take them out to the brewery and soak them in the vats for an hour or two. Cast-iron way to get rid of fleas, what - or should I say cask-iron, ha ha! Pickled the dogs like kippers, of course, but it improved the beer no end!

‘So if we have a half-decent cellar here, - ’ I continued, but by this point Luke was wailing like a banshee.

‘It’s not fleas! I told you that! Gods, why does everyone treat me like I’m some kind of animal? I hate my life! I hate everything! IT’S NOT FAIR!’

‘Luke!’, cried Igor, but the bounder tore free and, bounding straight out the door, gave it a hefty slam as he went.

‘Teens, eh, Igor?’, I said, as we listened to him stomping away. But for some reason the remaining Enthropian seemed tickled not by my worldly rapport. In fact, though they may not have matched, his eyebrows rather gave the impression their owner was positively piqued.

‘Really, Alfrik!’, he said. ‘What in Nuffle’th name wath that? I don’t know if you were genuinely trying to help, or whether that wath thome kind of childish wind-up, but it wath everything I’d expect an editor not to do!

‘I just thought - ’

‘No, that’th exactly what you didn’t do! Where wath the conthideration? The tact? Your writerth are the lifeblood of thith publication, and after all we’ve been through in the latht year, we’re pretty much out of O negative, if you follow my drift!

‘I know a thing or two about the average psyche - I own a few, after all - and one thing I’ll tell you, there’th only tho much it can take. Do you even realithe the extent of the morale problem you’re thitting on, here? For Nuffle’th thake, we all live in a wreck in the middle of a ditch! We’re HOMELETH, Alfrik!

‘And Luke! He’th at that age, you know? Tho raw, tho fragile - and who’th here for him? Only me, hith brother! No-one elthe. Do you have any idea what it’th like not to know a father’th love at that age? Or a mother’th embrathe? Do you, Alfrik?’

‘A.. actually - ’

‘We need a leader who careth about uth! Our wantth! Our needth! Thomeone who can be bothered to think how we think, to feel how we feel! Not thome cavalier generalithhhimo, coming along and trampling uth all underfoot!’

The outburst halted abruptly. All I could hear in the deathly silence was Igor’s ragged breathing. Presently he undid some stitches across his chest, and, reaching into the gap, began to give one of his lungs some manual aid.

‘…Gosh, old man. I don’t know what to say.’

He looked a touch remorseful, but that might have been pain.

‘Look, Alfrik, maybe I went too far - ’

‘No! Not at all, what. Not in the slightest. Igor, your words have.. touched me to the core,’ I said, trying not to stare at the man with the hand in his ribcage. ‘How foolish I've been. How shamefully I’ve behaved. I see what must be done to make amends.’

‘Well, I'm glad you're willing to learn from thith, Alfrik. None of uth are born perfect, but if we're prepared to work at our flawth -’

I took out my wallet.

‘Why don’t you buy him one of those Hex-Boxes I've heard kids are so fond of these days? That'll make him feel loved! And get something nice for yourself while you're at it - a new set of ears, perhaps.’

Igor frowned as I jingled the bag of coins under his nose.

‘'Have you even been lithening to a word I thaid? That ithn't even remotely -’

‘Sorry, Igor!,’ I said, still jingling. ‘I can't hear you over the sound of all this money fixing everything!’

For you see, Igor had taught me something truly perspicacious. If the Courier’s in robust fiscal shape, I just need to fritter away its resources until it’s nothing but a desiccated husk. Then there’ll really be a crisis for me to save it from! Simplicity personif. Just wait ‘til Sasha hears about this!

Alfrik Gendelsson

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Match Day 4

Featured Report: (Torque; Ogre) Dumbest Fellas 2-1 The Ra Ra Ra's (Snottie1; High Elf)

I'm startled awake by a swaying of my cage, suspended high above the now bustling stadium. Lifting my head from the hemp-encased straw mat I've been given I shake off the early morning chill and wonder whether perhaps I might be dreaming. I see a green monkey. More precisely, rubbing the sleepy-seeds from my blood-shot eyes, I see a Snotling sitting on the chain that bisects the stadium and holds my prison so precariously above the pitch. I think briefly to shoo! him off, but my attention is swept away in the game that is about to take place just below me!

Ogres. Those hulking brutes of Blood Bowl appear to have dragged a gaggle of Snotlings with them onto the pitch and are prepared to face off against the haughtiest of the Elven nation.

The Snotling swinger passes me a roasted grub through the bars, and from the other side I get a smoke and a giant mug of beer. I invite my benefactors in and they crowd onto the straw mat as we dangle our legs over the side to take in the view from the best seat in the house.

Beautiful weather for a game and the High Elves elect to kick. As the ball soars high in the air, the famed discipline of the Elves shows them shifting their line into a better defensive formation. The Ogres respond with their fists, sending an Elf crumpled into a pile on the ground and huddling up around the ball as a nimble snot retrieves. The Elves retaliate by kicking a Snot nearly across the pitch, then shift their line, digging in their heels.

I can almost see the grin on the Ogres faces as they heave and shove, pushing up the left flank, leaving stunned Elves flattened among them. The Snot with the ball is keeping a slow paced walk behind his Ogre friends, making sure not to expose himself. Midway down the field the Ogres pile onto a downed Elf but he seems to have covered enough of his vitals not to be hurt. The Ref has found an interesting piece of lint in his belly button. Each time the Ogres shove, the elves fall back, reforming their defense and keeping pace as the ball slowly drags up the left. Another pile on, but this time I don't think the Elf is getting back up and the Ref pulls himself away from the pesky nose-gold he was mining to show the red card! (my cage shakes a little as insults fly from my new-found friends) Now the Ogres are showing signs of boredom as the can't seem to remember what they were doing, but the ball-carrier knows his task and nimbly scampers up the side for a touch down while throwing a raspberry over his shoulder at the astonished Elves! The stadium erupts and I’m tossed about like a penny in a purse as my compatriots celebrate. 1-0 to the Dumbest Fellas!

Still time in the half however and the High Elves line up with a serious mien. A steady kick and the Ogres have lined up to deny a quick score. The Elves dance right around the Line of Scrimmage pushing deep into Ogre territory and knocking a snot flat on his back in the center of the pitch. An Elven Thrower makes the pickup and sits behind a screen on the left side looking for a receiver. It looks like the Ogres might have a shot at him, but they're still jostling and pushing each other going on about the score as the Thrower seizes the opportunity and puts a tight pass into the end zone to tie up the game at 1 apiece. He danced right between two Ogres who didn't even give him a second look, much less try to grab him!

Halftime, and my new friends enjoy the sport of urinating out of the cage onto unsuspecting victims.

This time the Ogres take a play from the High Elf book and shift their own defense to meet the Elven offense. The Elves aren't fooled however, pulling back and sprinting through the defense on the left. After wrangling the ball, the thrower finds a High Elf near the Line of Scrimmage and makes the hand-off. He makes a mad-cap dash for the end zone, but gets an ankle-biter that he can't shake off and an Ogre lumbers by to flatten him yards from the score. The ball springs loose and the Snotlings take the opportunity to step all over a downed Blitzer on the other side of the pitch. He looks pretty hurt and gets taken off for medical attention. A scrum develops around the ball and the Ogres are getting the better of it. One Ogre knocks himself down with a head butt but completely ruins the face of his opponent who gets dragged off in a smear of blood. The ball bounces around into the hands of an Elf, who quickly gets rid of it by greeting the astrogranite as another Ogre can't keep his own feet. A High Elf tries a pickup in a mess of Ogres but gets thrown off the pitch for his trouble and as the crowd has their way, the ball tumbles right into the hands of a confused looking Ogre!

Fuggz Belly-Opener decides he'd better start moving toward the goal line. He's got support and despite the High Elves getting a few players in front of him, they aren't even trying to bring him down. Fuggz gets deep into the opponent half but seems to lose his way, stopping and scratching his head. Finally Leg-Chopper comes by and slaps Fuggz out of his stupor long enough to get the ball from him and rumble down for the score at the whistle! An exciting finish, and probably the reason I’m still alive. With a belly-full of beer and grubs (not half bad actually), I bid those green gits adieu. Final score: 2-1 to the Dumbest Fellas!

Still hanging around,

S. T. Chervil

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Division 1

Igor: Greetingth thportth fanth,

Our firtht match thith week theeth Undead Weight take on Devious Darkblades. The firtht half thaw a clathic dithplay of an aggrethive caging grind by the Weightth through the Darkbladeth column defenthe to thcore late in the half. The thecond half theeth the Darkbladeth thucker the Weightth with a trademark Dark Elf bait and thwitch letting them thcore a relatively eathy equalither.

Luke: Heh yeah, that was a sneaky move. Of course it left the Weights just enough time to punch their way through the Darkblades again for the winner.

Igor: Next up ith the Mad Missionary Mob agaitht DRAWF! DRAWF! thtart with the ball and try to grind thlowly through the Mob. The Mob have other ideath though and thtart laying Dwarveth out left right and thentre.

Luke: Yeah, it was a great demonstration on how to demolish the short beardy gits. It also forced DRAWF! to take a few risks and score earlier than planned. Which, combined with the crowd joining in on the Drawf-kicking at the restart, gave the Mob enough time to equalise before half time. They even found time to hurt more of the DRAWF! players on the way.

Igor: The thecond half thtarted with a full Mob team, with pothethion of the ball, taking on only eight DRAWF! playerth. The DRAWF! management had obviouthly brought out the good beer at half time though ath the team finally woke up and thtarted evening the oddth. Thith included the short bearded Elf (no Dwarf ith that agile) breezing through the Mobth lineth to kill the Mobth Elf-like ball carrier. The Mob were able to recover the ball though and thcore dethpite thith unexpected prethure. The Mob wath then able to hold out DRAWF!’th latht gathp effortth thecuring the win.

Luke: Next up we have the pansies of Commedia dell'Arte away to the posh pansies of High on the Supply. I think we have some static on the Cabalvision broadcast of this one as it is hard to see the action.

Igor: That ithn't thtatic, itth thnow, you idiot. And I think the cold made the Thupply a bit thluggish ath the Commedia got off to a flyer injuring a Thupply player and catching their own kick. Thupply try to recover but a trip allowth Commedia to open the thcoring. After thith thetback the Thupply played a running game to level the thcoreth at half time.

Luke: That equality didn't last long as Commedia retook the lead early in the second half with a typical passing game. The casualties finally start to stack up in the last drive where the Supply are kept under pressure but eventually leverage their better armour into a numbers advantage and a late equaliser.

Igor: Next ith the Blonde Bombers hothting the Goat Ravishers. The Bomberth collect the ball and conthentrate on thtaying out of the clutcheth of the Ravisherth for ath long ath pothible before eventually being forthed to thcore. The Ravisherth then showed great focuth annd dethire to break patht the Bomberth defenthe and equalithe in the limited time left in the half.

Luke: Following on from the morale boosting equaliser the Ravishers reverted to their normal tactics and played a solid slow driving possession in the second half. This allowed them to keep the ball safe from the Bombers for the whole half and let them score the winner with no time left for the Bombers to equalise.

Igor: Next up ith Sesame Creeps againtht Pimpin aint easy. I don't know what to thay about thith one.

Luke: I do. The time spent watching this match was a chunk of my life I'll never get back. Players on both sides seemed intent on losing the match but neither side was competent enough to even manage that. There wasn't even any blood to liven things up. What a complete bunch of muppets!

Igor: Our latht match of the week theeth the Red Dwarfers take on the Yellow Army in what was widely expected to be a mathacre. The thtart of the match didn't dithpel thith expectation with two of the Army leaving the pitch virtually on the thtarting whithle.

Luke: The Dwarfers were getting on with the game too much and forgot to do anything with the ball which allowed the army to sneak in and steal it to set up a defensive opening score. The Army girls inspired by this then reacted quickly on the next kick-off and went for the ball again.

Igor: That combination of factorth enraged the Dwarferth who killed an Army Linewoman and went for the ball thith time but needed to try a path to get it thafe, which predictably failed leaving the Army another chanthe to thcore and lead 2-0 at the break. In the thecond half the Army conthentrated on trying to keep the ball away from the Dwarferth ath much ath pothible. The Dwarferth on the other hand conthentrated on hurting ath many Army playerth ath pothible. Both teamth were thuccethful and when the Army thcored their third midway through the half it left the Dwarferth only able to take contholation from their own late thcore and the knowledge they had won the fight if not the game.

Igor and Luke Enthrop

(Ging; Necromantic) Sesame Creeps 0-0 Pimpin aint easy (bjj hero; Chaos)
(danton; Human) Mad Missionary Mob 2-1 DRAWF! (Flanks; Dwarf)
(Rburton; Dwarf) Red Dwarfers 1-3 Yellow Army (willpower68; Amazon)
(John McGuirk; High Elf) High on the Supply 2-2 Commedia dell'Arte (SorroW; Elf)
(jrpeart; Undead) Undead Weight 2-1 Devious Darkblades (kvasilad; Dark Elf)
(Dreamy; Wood Elf) Blonder Bombers 1-2 Goat Ravishers (Workers Central Committee; Human)

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Division 2

Another week has flown by, cherished readers! Again my health is somewhat of an issue after another unlucky incident: after partaking of Gutrog's experimental chilli this Tuesday (part of some culture enrichment thing he's gotten himself into), the staff toilets were, well, bustling with activity, so I took the liberty of rushing to use our esteemed editor's facilities in my hour of need. Imagine my surprise when I flung the door open only to find an enraged Warpstone Troll shackled to the wall inside. I got off with a relatively light mauling, probably at least partially due to the previously mentioned chilli, but now I limp on both legs. I don't know how such a creature found its way into our premises but Grimgridge was quick to point out that the UEI technically owns the crater and as such would be at liberty to stove away their specimens wherever they see fit. To prove his knowledge of the UEI he even listed the asking price of a clawed Warpstone Troll; that dwarfservant is a veritable savant, I tell you! From what I heard Mr. Taschmann-Keane was tasked with removing the beast, let's hope he fared well. Oh well, I prattle on... time for the matches!

First up this week was Real Madread who hosted their match against Xtreme Living, a game the coach of the Necromantic side probably will want to forget as soon as possible. Let's just say that ball-handling seemed to be a foreign concept for the poor Necros and to top off an already horrid evening for coach Netsmurf, a sorry Ghoul perished when he stumbled while pushing himself well beyond his limits. The end result was a convincing 2-0 to Real Madread, although this welcome victory was marred by veteran Catcher Vasquez tripping and sustaining a severe back injury. At least he lived through it, which cannot be attributed to any apothecary's efforts as the Human side's medical team only offered to put Vasquez out of his misery.

...and on that note it's natural to segue into the second match of the week, the Norsca Viking Liners versus UEI-Experiment CIX alpha, an experiment that has AltDwarf's animal activists up in arms due to the experiment's detrimental effects on its participants. The UEI apothecary had his hands full and could only save one of the three dead Skaven thrown his way during the match. The Viking Liners managed to steal the ball and score on defense twice during the first half, due to fluffed passing and poorly executed dodges on the rats' behalf. The Skaven then got some arcane help from the stands and managed to go to half time down 2-1. This proved rather futile as the Norse took their time grinding down the field and the match ended with the a scoreline of 3-1 to the Viking Liners.

Then followed a rather one-sided affair: The Dark Elves of Depraved seems to have hit their stride after last week’s victory and this day, trouser vendor favourites Those Fancy Pants were first in line to receive a proper beating at their hands. Nothing seemed to go the way of the Pants as their players seemed to loathe the pigskin and wanting nothing to do with the darned thing. Add to this the fact that the Depraved really was on form with their bashing and removed several Pants players, even generously serving one up to the eager crowd, and the outcome of 3-0 to the Dark Elves came as no surprise.

Next on the proverbial menu was an agile showdown, namely the Pro Elves of The BEHIND FAMILY hosting the Wood Elves from the Forests of Alduin. As we all know, these kind of teams are hard to stop from scoring unless major mishaps appear and there was a couple of rather severe mishaps today, mostly on the Wood Elf side, helping the BUTTOCKS FAMILY achieve a 4-2 victory. The most critical one must have been the Wardancer helping herself to a career-ending injury after fluffing a seemingly trivial block. Ouch.

The fifth match this week was surprisingly bloodless, considering two usually physical teams tussled: The Amazons of Men in Drag fought a tough battle against the beasts of the Reservoir Goats. The first half was a nerve-wracking affair as the ball changed hands more often than a Underworld Goblin thief, but eventually the Goats managed to trot it in for a defensive touch down close to half time. Next drive was a solid grind up for the decider, but time allowed the Amazons to put in a consolation touch down, regrettably suffering the only casualty of the match in the process: a dead Linewoman. Still, a fairly even affair ending 2-1 to the Goats.

The final match was a classic confrontation of diametrically opposed philosophies. The school of 'You Shall Not Pass, We Sure As Heck Won't' represented by the Nurgle side A Plague Upon Your House and the 'You Shall Not Pass, WE Shall Do the Passing' philosophy represented by division favorites, the Pro Elves of The Elf Street Band. The result was somewhat of a compromise as the Elves only managed some quick passes, mainly out of reach of the horrid miasmas that follow Nurgle's most devoted disciples, and the Nurgle side themselves settling for beating up the Band to the best of their ability. The match ended with a record breaking low touch down difference for the Elves, as they only managed to beat A Plague Upon Your House 1-0 while suffering only a little lasting damage.

That's all for this week, dear readers! Join us again next week for more division two updates.

Geraldo de Fleur

(Boffasmurf; Dark Elf) Depraved 3-0 Those Fancy Pants (Panda with issues...)
(crimsonsun; Nurgle) A Plague Upon Your House 0-1 The Elf Street Band (Etheric; Elf)
(Lebe666; Elf) The ASS FAMILY 4-2 Forests of Alduin (JimmyC; Wood Elf)
(Alouatta; Norse) Norsca Vikiing Liners 3-1 UEI-Experiment CIX alpha (Gallows Bait; Skaven)
(Pottsy; Amazon) Men in Drag 1-2 Reservoir Goats (Barninho; Chaos)
(Mercy Flush; Human) Real Madread 2-0 Xtreme Living (Netmsurf; Necromantic)

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Division 3

Ay up ‘gain, sports fans. Dis Gutrog, an’ I been given bloody group free again. Not sure wot for, fink I pissed off der new boss or somefing. It strange tho, after I gone out my way to give him comply.. commplie.. to say nice fings ‘bout him. Like when I say dat he tall for a Halfling. Dat not even a lie, dunno why he get all shirty wiv me.

So der first match of dis group is Too Posh To Push versus Dakamanceer VI. Der Daka men do a bad job of hittin’ last game, I dunno wot Daka is but if you ask me dey could use more of it. Dis time round dey do better, dey even break a posh Elf’s neck, dat always funny to see. Let’s see you turn your nose up when it pointin’ at der ground, lord snooty. Anyway der posh Elves score quickly, an’ it take ages an’ ages but ‘ventually der corpses manage to score too so it a draw. One-one.

Next is all-Elf game, but dat not a surprise. Spikeys of House of Amber takin’ on Crunchables, dey speedy Elves. Dere some good hurtin’ in dis one, but it take ages to get to. Mostly I jus' fast-forwardin’ on cabalvision, dis make der speedy Elves lit'rally a blur. It der spikies wot frowin’ der ball about most, tho, an’ it working pretty good until some silly bugger drops it in der middle of der second half. Dat cost dem der win, der spikey not look happy ‘bout dis but den when you ever seen a spikey Elf look happy ‘bout anyfing, miserable gits. One-one.

After dat it Lizzies of Kroxord and the saurii playing Elf Mafia, dey wussy Elves. Dis a tough match for der Lizzies, obv’yusly I cheerin’ dem on cos dey not Elves an’ dey do a good job of makin’ life tough for dere ‘pponents. Dey kick der ball off, an’ der whole of first half go by wivout anyone scoring. Remember dis Elves we’re talking ‘bout. I still not sure I believe it, an’ I seen it wiv my own eyes. So I ask Igor to be sure, he watch it wiv someone else’s eyes an’ it turn out der same.

Der wussy Elves get bit desperate in second half an’ start hunting der ball. Desperate is new word I know, it when you leave your face where some bugger can put his knee in it. But der Skinks let der side down, bein’ all clumsy an’ hit-able, an’ der Elves knick it twice for two quick scores. Two-none.

Lightspeed Freaks are speedy Elves, so I guess I cheerin’ for der Farting Gamblers by default. Default is word I know, it wot Courier do sometimes an’ I don’t get paid for a month. It hard rootin’ for Skaven cos every time you pick a favourite he tend to keel over. Dis wot happen to Butt Trumpett, he die almost straight away an’ I feel guilty for a bit. Der speedy Elves make it worse by scorin’, dat wot dey always do, tho der rats do it first so I guess dey were askin’ for it. Dey do a nice stamp on an Elf at der end, dis get points for effort even tho it der worst foul I fink I ever seen in my life. Two-one.

After all dis Elf nonsense, I lookin’ forward to der one game dis week dat not got ANY Elves in it. Den I tune in on cabalvision an’ it not even happ’ning! Dis a massage in der tenders an’ no bloody mistake. The Broken Necks get admin’strated win over Great Gaijin Smashers, two-none.

Dat not even der last match. It more Elves, course, an’ give me a break - dis time it spikeys playin’ more spikeys, Asthetics of Hate versus Jorxan Thunder. Dis one start off okay, wiv a spikey gettin’ a gouged eye, but den a spikey start frowin’ der ball like spikeys always do an’ before you know it der spikeys have scored. Yeah, good goin’, whatever.

Den der spikeys kick back to der spikeys, more spikeys get knocked over, a spikey gets injured but it not look too bad. Now der spikeys have der ball an’ dey makin’ der spikeys dodge ‘bout all over der place, a spikey trips a spikey an’ it open up a gap. Der spikey wiv der ball chucks it but den a spikey drops der catch! Dis pretty excitin’, it could go either way. Oh, man! Now a spikey goes down - he’s hurt! Der doc is attendin’ to der spikey, but while he busy der other spikeys gettin’ on wiv der game, one spikey goin’ all out to get his hands on der ball. An’ der spikeys have scored!

Jus’ when you fink dis game can’t get any more excitin’, der spikeys - who have der ball now, course - fail a catch an der ball’s on der floor. Der spikeys react by pushin’ der spikeys around, after a bit a spikey grabs der ball right from under a spikey an’ dodges free to der end zone!

Now der spikeys tryin’ a runnin’ play. Der way der match is goin’, you can see it a good plan. It pretty tense as spikeys close in one all sides. Will dis spikey make it? He side-steppin’ his marker! It lookin’ good! He goin’ all der way! Der spikeys have won der game!

Man, dat was brilliant. Whoever fort it, all along I been wrong ‘bout Elfs an’ how dey play Blood Bowl. So glad I got der chance to share dis amazin’ game wiv all you folks at home. Hopef’lly you could imagine it happenin’ as clearly as I saw it in action. I fink dis der best report I ever wrote, I hope you liked it.

Gutrog Word-Knower

(Barmution; Lizardman) Kroxford and thesaurii 0-2 Elf Mafia (Mortlock; Elf)
(Barristan the Bold; Dark Elf) House of Amber 1-1 [SvS] Crunchables (Blacksierra; Wood Elf)
(TYS123; High Elf) Too Posh To Push 1-1 DakaManceer VI (DakaMan; Necromantic)
(Kjelstad; Norse) The Broken Necks 2a0 Great Gaijin Smashers (DANINJAPAN; Goblin)
(Hawca; Dark Elf) Asthetics of Hate 1-3 Jorxan Thunder (Joe Staniforth; Dark Elf)
(Viajero; Wood Elf) Lightspeed Freaks 2-1 The Farting Gamblers (Lord Thorlacius; Skaven)
Last edited:

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Division 4

We start off with an absolute mullering in the group’s much-anticipated all-Necromantic encounter. Castlevania Corpse Carts went down 4-0 to their rigimortified rivals the CrunchCup Widowmakers, and in spite of this reporter’s immediate assumption this was no mere Nuffling. Positioning expertise put the Widowmakers in the ascendancy, allowing them to throw twice as many blocks and run not so much rings around their opponents as entire chain-link fences.

The Lizard Wizards and Phatsharks faced off in a game this reporter snappily titled Scales Versus Scale-Breakers, to the interest of precisely no-one. The Lizardmen received and notched up a relatively simple and typically speedy opening touch down, Paul Daniels emerging from the ruck to make it 1-0. Buoyed by success, the Wizards charged their Druchii foes at the next kick-off and put them to the sword for the rest of the drive, racking up two casualties and a KO before pouncing on a failed hand-off to go two up through Siegfried.

After the break, Paul Daniels continued his good work by hauling down the Phatshark ball carrier and sending his cargo spilling fan-wards. Said fans must have consisted largely of Lizardmen, because the ball had to be tossed back fully five times before it settled within pitch boundaries. It was the Dark Elves who were best placed to profit, Andril collecting before sauntering down-field with support to bring it back to 2-1. There was still time for a final drive, and blood was spilt by both sides as they went all-out. In the end the Phatsharks came off worst, losing Morteoth to a nasty dose of death administered by a Kroxigor’s prehensile tail. As his brethren looked on in horror, Paul Daniels span free to add insult to, er, fatality, making the final score 3-1.

Orphans Tear and I Go Down Easy contested a helter-skelter game of Elf-ball that was low on bone-snappery but high on excitement. The team apothecaries for once didn’t get as much of a work-out as their colleagues on the field, a singular degree of civility which extended even to the ball: it didn’t change hands all game, albeit not for want of trying. The upshot was a shoot-out conducted at not quite breakneck speed, both teams using a combination of patient, clever manoeuvring and limited passing to score twice apiece on their receiving drives, seeing the game finish 2-2.

The Barrowrun BlightStalkers are a Blood Bowl team, apparently, but on the cas stats from this game a case could be made that they more closely resemble a collection of wet paper bags. Then I realise they’re Skaven, and all becomes clear. They played the Ladies of Danger this week, who lived up to their own name spectacularly by grinding five of the ratmen into exciting red smears. Despite this they still were pushed all the way for the win, as Rikti the Nose and Sniksnak of Hell Pit still succeeded in pegging back the score after camron diaz twice put the Ladies ahead. This saw the game go into a fifth drive, one which proved decisive when the Amazons stopped tying reef knots in rodent entrails long enough to purloin the Skaven tactic of moving the ball through the air. This earned diaz her hat-trick, and her sisters a 3-2 victory.

The division’s other Amazons, the MissFits, faced Undead doom-handlers the Hands of Doom in a game that ground out in a 1-1 stalemate. I can’t shed much light on the match, as Gutrog taped over my cablevision recording with the latest episode of Countdown Abbey. Watching someone dressed in enough lace to curtain an entire Bretonnian palace ask for ‘a vowel, another vowel, and another vowel, and a consonant, please, Carol’ is not without intrigue, but of little use to the sports writer on the job. Bad Gutrog! Bad!

Ottmar Pfennig-Pincher

(staticelf; Necromantic) Castlevania Corpse Carts! 0-4 The Crunch Cup Widowmakers (Abraxis Annihilators; Necromantic)
(Torque; Ogre) Dumbest Fellas 2-1 The Ra Ra Ra's (Snottie1; High Elf)
(Falloheart; Skaven) BarrowRun Blightstalkers 2-3 ladies of danger (pdarby; Wood Elf)
(Altashheth; Dark Elf) Orphans Tear 2-2 I Go Down Easy (20phoenix; Wood Elf)
(PapaRattzi; Amazon) The MissFits 1-1 The Hands of Doom (Michaels; Undead)
(keechmj; Lizardman) The Lizard Wizards 3-1 PhatSharks (FastShark; Dark Elf)
Last edited:

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag



Match Day 5

Division 1
(Ging; Necromantic) Sesame Creeps vs Commedia dell'Arte (SorroW; Elf)
(willpower68; Amazon) Yellow Army vs Devious Darkblades (kvasilad; Dark Elf)
(Flanks; Dwarf) DRAWF! vs Goat Ravishers (Workers Central Committee; Human)
(bjj hero; Chaos) Pimpin aint easy vs Blonder Bombers (Dreamy; Wood Elf)
(danton; Human) Mad Missionary Mob vs Undead Weight (jrpeart; Undead)
(Rburton; Dwarf) Red Dwarfers vs High on the Supply (John McGuirk; High Elf)

Division 2
(Etheric; Elf) The Elf Street Band vs Depraved (Boffasmurf; Dark Elf)
(JimmyC; Wood Elf) Forests of Alduin vs Those Fancy Pants (Panda with issues; Human) [/size]
(Gallows Bait; Skaven) UEI-Experiment CIX alpha vs A Plague Upon Your House (crimsonsun; Nurgle)
(Barninho; Chaos) Reservoir Goats vs The ASS FAMILY (Lebe666; Elf)
(Netmsurf; Necromantic) Xtreme Living vs Norsca Vikiing Liners (Alouatta; Norse)
(Mercy Flush; Human) Real Madread vs Men in Drag (Pottsy; Amazon)

Division 3
(Mortlock; Elf) Elf Mafia vs [SvS] Crunchables (Blacksierra; Wood Elf)
(DakaMan; Necromantic) DakaManceer VI vs Kroxford and thesaurii (Barmution; Lizardman)
(DANINJAPAN; Goblin) Great Gaijin Smashers vs House of Amber (Barristan the Bold; Dark Elf)
(Joe Staniforth; Dark Elf) Jorxan Thunder vs Too Posh To Push (TYS123; High Elf)
(Lord Thorlacius; Skaven) The Farting Gamblers vs The Broken Necks (Kjelstad; Norse)
(Viajero; Wood Elf) Lightspeed Freaks vs Asthetics of Hate (Hawca; Dark Elf)

Division 4
(pdarby; Wood Elf) ladies of danger vs The Crunch Cup Widowmakers (Abraxis Annihilators; Necromantic)
(Snottie1; High Elf) The Ra Ra Ra's vs I Go Down Easy (20phoenix; Wood Elf)
(staticelf; Necromantic) Castlevania Corpse Carts! vs The Hands of Doom (Michaels; Undead)
(Torque; Ogre) Dumbest Fellas vs PhatSharks (FastShark; Dark Elf)
(Falloheart; Skaven) BarrowRun Blightstalkers vs The Lizard Wizards (keechmj; Lizardman)
(Altashheth; Dark Elf) Orphans Tear vs The MissFits (PapaRattzi; Amazon)

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Khorne Khorner

Greetings True Believers -


Really? What a bloody surprise! What is it this time? Couldn't find a matching pair of socks this morning or have you run out of horn polish.


Yes I mentioned that previously. The Underworld team is another newer team in these parts. In fact I'm really not quite sure where they've come from. All of a sudden they were just...there. I tried to ask our UEI liaison, Hairy Redcap, about it but he just said it was a 'top-top secret issue' and to keep our flat noses out of it.


Yeah that's the guy, works with a lot of other Skaven and Goblins and a few Trolls too. No idea what they do there mind. Anyway without further ado we should probably look at the Underworld teams that are playing a few 'friendly' matches in local semi-professional leagues. The first player, and the core of the team, is the Underworld Goblin.


Not so. Yes on the outside they may look like your common, garden-variety Goblin, but have you ever seen a Goblin with Horns?


Will you stop telling me to be silent! Besides these Goblins can be really versatile. Two-headed Goblins are great for dodging more efficiently and extra-armed Goblins are great ball handlers. As such they can be a great scoring threat and opposing coaches will need to learn quickly that these Greenskins are damn slippery customers. Next we look at the Underworld Skaven Linemen.


Er... well yes I suppose you're right. Ok well let's look at the Underworld Skaven Blitzers then. Much like their less warpstone-addled cousins these guys really put the bite in the team. Clad in decent armour and already well trained in the blocking art some even consider them superior to their counterparts as the frequency with which these rats turn into razor-clawed monstrosities is disturbing.


That's getting really tiresome you know. Well, time to look at yet another Skaven player on this team, the Underworld Thrower. Again this just looks like your run of the mill normal Skaven Thrower but that propensity for mutation means extra arms for better ball handling and the occasional really big hand that allows for ball recovery in the most challenging of situations. When the ball's on the floor opposing coaches need to be wary with this freak of nature around.


Oh, piss off. Last but by no means best we have the Warpstone Troll. This creature is even uglier than its counterparts, and deadlier too. Often sporting huge claws they have been known to rip apart Dwarves, Chaos Warriors and Lizardmen with merry abandon. As well as this many have been seen with filthy Tentacles that wrap themselves around opposing players making escape a distant dream.


So what kind of tactics have been on display when this team has played? In a word, a variety. For you see, dear reader, variety is the spice of the Underworld team. Their tactics vary wildly on the chaotic winds of change that are their mutations. I've seen Goblin Blitzers, Skaven Throwers-cum-Runners, Trolls throwing Goblins for the score. An Underworld coach has seemingly endless options, as long as they're happy to put up with an attrition rate a Wood Elf team would be disappointed with.






Neville Taschmann-Keane

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Where Did I Go Wrong?

Greetings, readers, and welcome once more to the letters column "Where did I go wrong", hosted by yours truly, Renko Fedorenko.

The column is open for all, and can answer all kinds of questions, but for publication in this august magazine the focus will be upon questions asked by actual Crunch Cup coaches. And continuing the trend of receiving letters from higher divisions, for this week my letter comes from the very highest division, where the coach of High on the Supply finds himself in a low spot. But with writing skills far surpassing any compliments that could be made about his coaching skills, he has still managed to produce a minor literary masterpiece. (At least if one takes into account his state while writing it.)


I am the head coach of the somewhat less than renowned High Elf franchise High on the Supply, and following our recent defeat to the Goat Ravishers I have been left in a quandary. I have also been left in a quarry, which is a significantly different kind of problem, but the two are related as the former was prompted by this aforementioned defeat, and the latter by my team driving me out to a disused quarry in their subsequent anger and threatening to 'bury [me] here with a cap in [my] ass' should it happen again.

I am satisfied that my strategy for the first half was basically sound, and that what mistakes were made would be of little interest to your readers. In the second period, however, adversity struck in a form with regard to which I believe we might all benefit from your wisdom. You see, between the ravages of the midsummer heat and a ravishing from the, er, Ravishers, I found myself marshalling five healthy Elves against eight Humans in what was to prove an abortive attempt at a defensive drive.

My question is three-fold:

1) What would you generally recommend as the way to approach defensive drives with a player deficit?
2) How would you have handled this particular drive differently? Discouraged by the seeming ineffectiveness of my specialist man-marker in the first half, I gave myself over to rather foolhardy attempts to dodge into the cage - presumably I could have done something less desperate?
3) At what point should one just throw in the towel and concentrate on preserving one's players?

The thought of the enlightenment guaranteed to issue from your pen will provide me with much-needed inner ballast as I make my way back up these treacherous boulders. I remain your ever-humble supplicant,

John McGuirk

Even though this question was quite specific (clearly the signs of a great mind to actually have understood the pre-season instructions) my newly gained habits of commenting the entire game made me watch the first half no matter what was asked of me. And I couldn't spot anything majorly out of the ordinary, except that I'd have expected Barksdale to be ordered to actually blitz down Angelos Fetadopoulos and ball-strip him instead of just weaving through the opposition to merely glare menacingly. Sometimes it might be better to give the full order ahead of time, instead of having it misunderstood by the player on the pitch.

One might also wonder at sending Poot alone downfield, when he seems to have been your only player skilled at making himself known in a scrum, which was what formed in your own backfield. Not that it lasted long, and like you say Wee-Bey didn't perform well that time. Yet he could have, and you should probably not give up on him. Sometimes people just leap too fast. Teaching him to tackle standing up would go a long way at improving him further, even if his lack of such skill didn't seem to matter during this particular game.

I cannot fault your attempt for a quick equalizing score. It was excellent work, through and through, and it is only sad that Cheese choked in the decisive moment. Possibly I might take the opportunity to mention that during the match up to this moment I noticed a tendency to issue orders to the players in a somewhat tardy manner, remaining silent for long times and then exploding into a flurry of action. Some coaches can manage well with that style, but there is always a risk that a player will not have time to make out your commands if they get intermingled with orders to everyone else, and a less ideal plan that is swiftly executed might be more worth it. That said, I know many coaches who could learn a lot from your thoughtful manner, so let's just take this with a ladle of salt and pass on to the second half which figures in the actual questions.

Pro primo, if your team is weak it becomes more important than ever to press the issue. If you set up further back than usual you are already in 'preservation mode'. With fewer players you can no longer contest the pitch, but you might still be able to contest a local area - say the one around the ball. This becomes even more interesting if you have a player that can make precise kicks, since then you can let your Line of Scrimmage players set up off to one side, while having your hawks ready to fly out to the other side to hunt the ball if your opponent does the usual loading of the line. And if he places his team evenly to protect against this, then you kick straight ahead to where you can get a local advantage. (Of course, if you have no more players than what fits on the Line of Scrimmage, it might be time to take a look at the third point below.)

Pro secundo, there certainly is no reason for any Asari to be discouraged by going in with one player less than an opposing Human side, especially not if there are only eight Humans, offering vast expanses of open ground to exploit. Losing two players off the bat is somewhat more discouraging, although the foul might not have happened if there had been a need for the Humans to protect their own backfield from a line of High blitzers and catchers ready to hunt the ball carrier. As it were your players could not come up in time to threaten the formation of the cage, and then Barksdale for some reason started running around the cage. Too little, too late, that time could still have been spent trying to keep the Human numbers dwindling and waiting somewhat for them to come to you and your thin blue line. In the position where the cage had advanced unmolested to the Line of Scrimmage - yes, at that time a desperation assault might have been the last shot for glory.

Pro tertio, your question ref. giving up. There might be as many answers to this questions as there are coaches, but it is my deep-seated belief that there is only one way to play the game. To the hilt, and beyond the very end. Giving up is an act of insanity, and should be treated as such. (I hear the AltDwarf Asylums are open to all, with a twelve-step program beginning with admitting you are insane and ending with trying to convince others that they are insane instead.) But since one must admittedly be insane to play Blood Bowl to begin with, this distinction does very little. Instead let us turn to hope. If you do not give up, you can hope to somehow prevent that score. And if even that hope is beyond your grasp - well, then you might be in the right to just try to cause a little pain to the opposition. If you have no other options, you can always order your players to foul - that might keep them safe. And if you can't stop the score, knock down opponents, or foul opponents. Well, then preservation might actually become a valid tactic, if only because you have no other options available.

To the grave, and beyond, keep playing and keep trying.


Renko Fedorenko

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Rising Scars

Fear not brave friends, Elkcub Turnbuckle is still alive and kicking! I have lent a piece of my mind and a firm shouting to the ears of this knave who reported me deceased the other week.

Should I ever get my hands on him in person (having been forced to shout my objections from far afield by those dreadful hard-of-hearing Dwarves) it shan't be pretty.

Never mind such trivial matters now though, for a deliciously decadent feast of sport awaits us! This week I was ready and able to put life and limb on the line for you dear darlings.

My first meeting was with a stern and angry little Dwarf from the premier division. I schlepped over to the AltDwarf Bank and Trust, waiting outside a mere three hours to finally corner this dodgy star of the game. Varkrin of team DRAWF! puts most other runners to shame! Opponents find him dodgy on the pitch, but I nearly had to tackle him myself trying to get this interview and let me say, he is even more agile than an Elf from the woods of Lachloren! Despite my best attempts to corner him he continually evaded, not unlike his talent on the pitch. As I nearly collapsed from exhaustion he finally succumbed to answer my questions from across the street, while I finally explained that I, Elkcub Turnbuckle am not deceased! This superstar has gathered 19 touch downs and trundled for an impressive 1096 yards in his 32-game career. Impressive for any player, but a Dwarf?!? Unheard of! So watch closely the next match from DRAWF!, and hope to get a glimpse of perhaps the greatest runner this reporter has ever seen!

Next stop on the trail was a meet and greet over at the Piling'sOn Arena and Slaughteryards. I found myself licking my lips as I approached the field behind high-stacked carcasses of marbled meat. A crowd of lesser reporters was shouting from the sideline looking for an interview from the same charge I was after, and upon seeing my extra-healthy visage they scattered as rats on a sinking ship. I flash a grin at my distant kin in the second division and while he appears to flinch, Galamaias Cromelwa of the Elf Street Band tunes up and comes over for a quick chat. This armored Elf is a true veteran of the game. Always able to lend a hand to hold the Elf line, and no matter how nimble his opponent, he denies their escape with aplomb. I attempt to shake his hand, but he shows me his practiced technique of circling his opponent that has earned him a place with the greats. Despite being soft-spoken, this defensive specialist has injured 14 players and knocked out almost a dozen more in only 17 games! Truly he is destined for great things. Listen in for the Elf Street Band as they attempt to lull division two into an early slumber!

Another trek across town and this reporter is starting to feel his age. At 422 I should be in my prime, but I have developed a wet cough that won't desist and it's clear that I'm not 200 anymore! Nevertheless, after a final clearing of my throat, and a drink at a local fountain (which curiously was quarantined by AltDwarf Police immediately after... something about 'high bacterial content') I soldier on and find myself inside the Lucky Goblin Casino and Strip Mine, where Skaven tunnel rat Stinkey Binkey of The Farting Gamblers is wafting up a run at the craps table. He clearly lives up to his name as I march over to introduce myself, the crowd around him clears en masse when he cowers at the sight of me. An adept grappler and extra-agile sort, Stinkey hurdles the table and squirms past the Goblin guards to disappear quickly out of sight. It's apparent how he leads his team in both rushing yards and touch downs. 252 meters on the ground with 6 touch downs for the Gamblers, and the rest of the interview is cut short when a Troll asks me to leave by my own volition. The third division is shaping into a perfect storm of Blood Bowl fury!

Let me take this final opportunity to reaffirm my status as a living, breathing member of the Courier et al. Alas, I feel another coughing fit upon me, but rest assured, I shall persist to deliver this most rapturous of dishes, the Blood Bowl Soup!

Elkcub Turnbuckle


Feeling a littly flabby around the mid-section? Spending too much time sitting at card tables to exercise? Want to gamble, but feel guilty about missing your morning workout? Well look no further than the Lucky Goblin Resort Casino and Strip Mine! Watch the pounds melt away as you dig for treasure in the dark reaches of the earth, then take a break at a gaming table or with one of our many slot machines! Take in a late show, hit the buffet, or grab a quick massage!

If you lose a little too much, no need to worry! Just pick up a shovel and get to work in the bowels under the casino foundation toiling to get out of debt, and shedding unwanted weight in the process! Motivation won't be a problem here, as our crack crew of Troll Personal Trainers gets to work tanning your hide into the best shape of your life! Strike it Rich!™ with the Lucky Goblin!

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag

Dearest readers! It has been far too long!

I apologise for my absence, but you see, I’ve been laid up in hospital for the past ten weeks. Fractured ribs, shattered femurs, various things threatening to bail on me like I was a bad party - you name it, I broke it! I very nearly went to meet my maker!

How terrible it would have been, to stand in the Great Hall before the Archons, having to give an account of my life so that the Wisdom Bear might pass judgement upon my worldly misdeeds. I know, I know, hardly the best religion ever. But in Kislev we have what we have, and we’re grateful for it!

I’m getting ahead of myself. ‘Jumping over the gun’, as you say here in the Empire, which would be a dangerous thing at the best of times - let alone with both legs in a cast.

You see, I had configured my intra-dimensional Pocket Plane to travel on a parallel course with the Blightanic, here in the ‘real’ world. This let me switch smoothly between realities at will, providing a safe place to stay away from the warpstone-soaked madness aboard the UEI’s airship, but also turn in my copy without having to fire into the sky from a cannon.

I hadn’t, of course, reckoned on any sudden alterations to the Blightanic’s flight plan. Especially not ones which would take it careening nose-first into the ground. So it was that, in the middle of a long, boring Sunday afternoon, I decided to see what Merrick and the gang were up to, only to find myself stepping out into a piece of sky in which - contrary to all my calculations, arcane magicks and so on - the Blightanic definitely wasn’t.

The fall back to earth was: a) a sight-seeing spectacle like no other, b) a priceless opportunity to test mathemagickal theorems regarding gravity and momentum, c) proof, if proof were needed, that flapping one’s arms like a bird does little to help to slow one’s descent, d) a fascinating if untimely reminder of the perils of academic hubris, e) over quickly and e) nothing compared to the impact that followed it.

In the proceeding weeks of painful recovery, as often extended by the apothecary’s assistance as not, I had plenty of time to reflect on precisely what sort of account I might have given to the Wisdom Bear. I didn’t like what I came up with. I fear I have been indolent in my work, readers!

But where to start the change for the better? Why, with this column, of course! I have already been making smallish improvements. Talk of ‘Necros’ is unprofessional - they shall be rightfully referred to as Necromantic teams from now on. The period’s luckiest teams and races shall be determined by average deviations of luck on a per-game basis, not by their cumulated deviation figures, which was a nonsensical error in which I persisted for far too long. But these are mere trifles; there is much more to come. You may not see the fruits of my labours first-hand, readers, but know that I strive daily to further the cause of that thing we all love - pure, precious mathemagickal data!

Crunch Cup X Mathemagickal analysis: Match Days 1-4

Negative deviation
Without further ado, then, let’s make a first review of Crunch Cup X and its myriad fluctuating figures. As is customary, the first spotlight will be shined on the unluckiest team of the period, so ready your miniature violas for the Great Gaijin Smashers: in the two games they played, these star-crossed stunties ‘enjoyed’ an average of fortunes -17.04% under what they could have reasonably expected. Combined with their lack of secret weapons, the team got off to an understandably bad start - but with that sort of luck, I suspect it’s probably a good thing they didn’t have a chainsaw around…

The unluckiest race were Goblins, funnily enough, ploughing through the foot of the table with that -17.04% average deviation. The game which saw the month’s greatest cumulative negative deviation of luck was the one between Aesthetics of Hate and the Farting Gamblers. Curiously, despite the teams’ combined fortunes deviating -32.12% below what might be expected, they still managed to score three touch downs between them, the Gamblers edging the contest 2-1.

The thing about this luck business is that it’s all relative. One man’s good is another man’s bad, and so too with Blood Bowl teams. Take Kroxford and the saurii and the Elf Mafia, for example. In their encounter the discrepancy between their respective fortunes totalled up to a +51.23% swing. That’s enormous! If there’s any surprise in the result, it’s the winners not winning by more. This is easily our Nuffling of the Month, and not only that, it’s the first one in over a season to make it into the all-time hall of fame.

Positive deviation
Let’s move onto the happier side of the coin. The game which saw the greatest cumulative positive deviation of luck in these first four match days was that between the Barrowrun Blightstalkers and the Castlevania Corpse Carts. Combining at +68.83% above normative fortunes, the two teams put on an incredible display of competence - perhaps, all-round, the luckiest the Crunch Cup has ever seen. The result? 2-1 to the Blightstalkers. Way to make the most of it, guys…

The luckiest team from the first month of action was a motley crew of Necromantics going by the moniker Dakamanceer VI. They averaged a deviation of 21.47% fortune above the baseline in the games that they played, which has enabled them to rocket all the way up their group table to… eighth? Am I reading that right?

Oh well! At least the Cup’s luckiest race will surely have capitalised better upon their bounty of luck. Why, it’s the nauseating Nurgle, whose sole representatives in A Plague Upon Your House gained a boon of +12.72% average positive luck across the period. Handsome indeed! And we can see how they profited by just checking the division 2 standings… what? Ninth?!

I suppose it just goes to show, readers, that luck isn’t everything in this game!

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
Country Flag
Which is a good point at which to move onto our famous Triumph in Adversity awards. These plaudits are handed out to Crunch Cup coaches who turn the tables on statistical tables, tell ineffable fortune to ineffable off, and - well, I’ll put it plainly: who overcome a side who are enjoying substantially better luck than they are, seizing the win in spite of the disadvantage. And we seem to have plenty of coaches who have managed just that.

Now, any Triumph in Adversity award is a thing to be both cherished and brandished with pride, but of all this month’s recipients I do have to single out two for particular praise. First is coach Etheric, a name that will be familiar to regular readers of this column, who pulled off the admirable feat twice in two fortnights to become a double awardee. The second is coach Willpower68, a name familiar to anyone who followed last season’s CCIX final, who managed to overcome a both a team of Dwarves and a 26.79% swing in relative fortunes to win his game the Red Dwarfers 3-1. With Amazons.

Amazons, ladies and gentlemen.

Extraordinary praise aside, you’re all marvels in my book. The TiA isn’t given to just anyone - it has to be earned.

And earned it has certainly been, by Rburton, Etheric, jrpeart, Willpower68, Kjelstad, Viajero, Barmution, Danton and Hawca, for their efforts in the following matches:

Red Dwarfers 2-1 Devious Darkblades (35.54% against)
A Plague Upon Your House 0-1 The Elf Street Band (27.66% against)
Undead Weight 2-1 Devious Darkblades (26.89% against)
Red Dwarfers 1-3 Yellow Army (26.79% against) (Amazons vs Dwarves)
[SvS] Crunchables 0-3 The Broken Necks (26.49% against)
The Elf Street Band 3-2 Forests of Alduin (24.50% against)
Lightspeed Freaks 2-1 The Farting Gamblers (23.36% against)
Kroxford and thesaurii 2-0 Too Posh To Push (20.33% against)
Mad Missionary Mob 2-1 DRAWF! (19.95% against)
DakaManceer VI 1-2 Asthetics of Hate (17.28% against)

And then, of course, come the Honourable Mentions. These tributes are, it is true, subordinate to the nobler TiAs - but the attainment is nonetheless real, and remarkable. When adversity struck, these coaches still steadied their hands, readied their minds, and marshalled their troops to salvage a result. Congratulations are in order, then, to SorroW, Lord Thorlacius, Ging, Blacksierra and 20phoenix for refusing the urge to succumb in the following games:

High on the Supply 2-2 Commedia dell'Arte (41.28% against)
Kroxford and thesaurii 2-2 The Farting Gamblers (32.05% against)
Sesame Creeps1-1 DRAWF! (22.75% against)
House of Amber 1-1 [SvS] Crunchables (22.66% against)
Orphans Tear 2-2 I Go Down Easy (20.47% against)

That’s all for now. Until next time, readers, I remain your very own,

Mikhael Mikhaelovich Adamovich

Luckiest Races - MD 1-4

Race        Cumulative Deviation   Average Deviation (per game)
Nurgle      +25.44%                +12.72%
Ogre        +29.66%                +09.89%
Skaven	    +110.89%               +09.24%
Elf	    +136.99%               +09.13%
Norse       +49.64%                +08.27%
Dwarf       +63.30%                +07.91%
Necromantic +117.29%               +07.82%
Orc         +07.54%                +07.54%
Lizardman   +49.77%                +07.11%
Wood Elf    +145.12%               +06.60%
Dark Elf    +175.04%               +06.48%
High Elf    +30.96%                +03.07%
Human	    +48.03%                +03.00%
Amazon      +05.99%                +00.67%
Chaos	    -23.59%                -03.37%
Undead	    -25.56%                -03.65%
Goblin      -34.07%                -17.04%

Luckiest Teams - MD 1-4

Team name                 Average Deviation (per game)
Dakamanceer VI            +21.47%
Devious Darkblades        +20.65%
The Lizard Wizards        +19.47%

Unluckiest Teams - MD 1-4

Team name                 Average Deviation (per game)
Great Gaijin Smashers     -17.04%
Asthetics of Hate         -05.53%
Yellow Army               -04.88%

The Nuffle Index Hall of Fame - CCX

#   Contestants                                  Discrepancy in luck deviation
[b]1.  Kroxford & the saurii 0-2 Elf Mafia          51.23% (in favour of ELF)[/b] 
[b]2.  Great Gaijin Smashers 0-2 Dakamanceer VI     46.25% (in favour of DAK)[/b]
[b]3.  Commedia dell'Arte    4-0 DRAWF!             44.62% (in favour of COM)[/b]
[b]4.  High on the Supply    2-2 Commedia dell'Arte 41.28% (in favour of HOT)[/b]
[b]5.  Red Dwarfers          2-1 Devious Darkblades 35.54% (in favour of DEV)[/b]

The Nuffle Index Hall of Fame - All Time

#   Contestants                                  Discrepancy in luck deviation
1.  Uli Stilicke Fan Club 0-3 Dirt Nap Refugees  74.48% (in favour of DNR)
[b]2.  Kroxford & the saurii 0-2 Elf Mafia          51.23% (in favour of ELF)[/b] 
3.  Quest for the New Wld 3-0 Oranje             51.05% (in favour of QNW)
4.  Blood Bank Liberators 0-3 Arliquins of Past  48.91% (in favour of AOP)
5.  They're All Grinning  0-1 Sturmwald Eagles   48.79% (in favour of TAG)

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
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5 Things That Have Been Noticed This Match Day, It Doesn’t Matter Who By, Neville, This Is A Team Effort Remember


Only four teams in CCX have perfect records, and you can find three of them in Division 2. Elf teams The Elf Street Band and The Ass Family, as well as Norsemen, the Norsca Vikiing Liners, have won all their games so far this season and it will be interesting to see which team falters first. Who will get that 100% record? There can be only one!


Who can forget last years comedy entry The Soylent Greenskins, the all-Snotling 'Ogre' team? They set out to prove that the wee green men didn't need the thuggish support of their brawny brothers-in-arms. Well this has been proven to have been a load of bollocks as after only four games of CCX Ogre outfit, Dumbest Fellas, notched up their first win in the competition, taking their points tally to 4. That's double what TSG managed last season and strikes a real blow to Snotling independence movements nationwide.


Elves beware, your passing game is in for a scare; in Division 1 that is. Those crafty Humans of the Mad Missionary Mob have masterminded a cunning tactic for intercepting balls in the air. After 'acquiring' a large number of magnets from down-on-their-luck hedge Wizards the MMM have proceeded to grab two interceptions in their first four matches using their patented 'Glove-U-Cheat' technology. Complaints to the league commissioners appear to have fallen on deaf ears with one spokesrat reportedly saying 'do you know how much-much warpstone we got for allowing this?'


Who's that lying on the floor? Odds are it'll be a Farting Gamblers rat. These flatulent Skaven have been having a really rough time of it, with their armour being penetrated 85 times already this season. Fans of the team have said this is leading to a depressing cloud of fear settling over the team, though this reporter doubts very much that that particular cloud should be called 'fear'.


A statement released from stunty pressure group Halflings Against Murder (HAM) has declared that this years Crunch Cup is '...the safest for Halfling teams in over a decade' and goes on to say that '...we are proud to say that so far in the competition nobody has been able to get a win against our brave lads.' Whilst undoubtedly true the fact remains that there aren't actually any Halfling teams in this years Crunch Cup, a development a HAM spokesman dismissed as 'depressing'.

“Anatole Twisp”

Did You Know…

'Safe' Sam Samson was one of the first Bloodbowl players to be killed by his own fans AFTER a match had ended. In the now defunct Albion-Tilea Cup his side, the Stirland Strikers, were trailing 2-1 to an up and coming Orc team, The Waaaaaghiers, in the Semi-Final. Having seen so many of his compatriots succumb to crippling injury or even death by overexerting themselves on a sprint he'd point blank refused throughout his entire career to 'go the extra yard.' So when he decided to stop short of the goal line in the dying seconds of the match to take a breather, leading to the ref blowing the final whistle before he ran in the equaliser, the fans did not take kindly to his conservative ways. Whilst most of his body was left to rot on the turf, his feet were taken by the rabid fans and used to 'incentivise' future Strikers players to reach the end zone in double-quick time.

John McGuirk

Mega Star Player
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The Culture Section

My face is suddenly gripped by a simultaneously uncontrollable and undesirable spasm as muscles I haven’t used in years suddenly shoot upwards towards my eyes, and I realize that for the first time in my life I am grinning. I silently resolve not to make a habit of it. It’s undignified.

The Courier recently has been advertising my column as a selling point of the esteemed organ, proof if it were needed of our astonishingly new direction, although the grunts who work in advertising seem to have missed the point of the Culture section entirely. This week’s cover contains the phrase ‘featuring the inconsequential ramblings of the most miserable man in AltDwarf. Listen to him, so we don’t have to.’

The point being that normally I’m not the happiest fellow, for reasons of existential angst that are no doubt too deep and meaningful for the rest of you to get to grips with, which is why beaming from ear to ear is an extremely rare occurrence and rather uncomfortable to boot. On the rare occasions it does happen, I certainly don’t expect a Dwarf to be the object of my affection.

I should note for the politically correct complainers out there that the high court recently ruled that ‘hating Dwarfs still isn’t racist’ so legally speaking I can be as horrible about them as I like, but there is one member of their species who I’m going to single out as an exception, because our editor Alfrik is more than gullible enough to make my dreams come true.

You see, from now on I shan’t be reporting on culture, I shall be revolutionising it with a blank cheque to put on the play to end all plays, and finally put my name on the map for reasons I am actually proud of. My trusty inner pessimist is screaming at me to consider all the things that will inevitably go wrong, that logically speaking there must be a catch…

‘Before you go dear Alfrik,’ I say quickly, ‘I should say that there’s really no need for Gutrog to continue shadowing me on this endeavour. I can quite honestly say he has learnt all he’ll ever learn about culture from our first partnership, and I’m sure he’s eminently capable of transmitting it to all our colleagues. This should be something I do alone.’

‘Commendable!’ says Alfrik, ‘and with that I rather think I shall take my leave, exuberantly optimistic for the future. You’ve given me an immensity of inner-thoughts to entertain, not least of which is the study of that soap substance you so vehemently recommend.’

‘Please, please look into it,’ I implore, ‘you are making my nosepegs somewhat redundant otherwise.’

I realize as Alfrik steps over the precipice and onto the ladder I have neglected to remember perhaps the most important thing that could go wrong of all, namely the fact our editor’s manservant is clearly trying to kill Alfrik and has sabotaged the ladder, but Alfrik is already falling. There are a series of sickening bumps before the final crash and a pause that lasts a worryingly long time before I hear the words:

‘Whoops, butterfingers. Seems I’m slippery as that soap you were mentioning. No harm done.’
You see this is why everyone hates Dwarfs. It’s so hard to break them.

I sigh contentedly then say to the empty room, ‘All I need now is a good night’s sleep and then straight to work in the morning. I have a lot of loose ends to tie up before I can start on my magnus opus.’

Then the ghost says ‘Well I wouldn’t bank on a good night’s sleep, if I were you, which of course I’m not. I’m definitely a ghost. Woooooo!’

The vile spirit is true to his word, but despite the long night the sun still rises, and I make my way down the ladder, now an even more risky enterprise, to check on what is happening with those Chaos Dwarfs I’m apparently responsible for.

I’m surprised to find the group under Headcut’s statue thoroughly bruised and dishevelled, although their spirits remain undiminished. Encouragingly, the sign offering Free Tours appears to have gone, so I must conclude that at least the first part of my plan has worked. They are now clearly concerned with their campaign for equal rights, even if the rational observer might have concerns about how they’re going about it.

Asbo greets me, as is his custom, with a resoundingly sweetly-struck slap to the cheeks, providing me with further facial discomfort.

‘Hullo Asbo,’ I groan, ‘how is the campaign for equal rights going?’

‘Well Sasha, me old mucker, it’s not been perfect, I’ll be honest. We marched on the UEI to demand our equal rights, and they blew raspberries at us, and of course we ain’t having that. So we kicked the door in, and gave ‘em a good hiding.

‘Problem was, there’s rats, and Goblins, and bloody Trolls isn’t there? And they’ve all got claws and tails and all that sort of thing. Now it’s not like we didn’t win the fight if you get me, we always win the fight, it’s just that there were that many of ‘em, we just got bored fighting them.

‘So we’ve had a word with the Khorne Demons, and the frog people, and we’ll be going back later for another go.’

‘It seems clear you’ve mastered the art of diplomacy…’ I say as I survey the scene before me. As well as Deff Skwad, there’s a group of Khorne Demons from the nether hells and another cluster of geriatric frogs with their limbs in plaster. The Skwad are doing much better than I expected, but I’m surprised to discover there’s a fourth group, wearing robes and cowls and kneeling beneath the statue.

‘Who on earth are they?’ I ask.

‘They call themselves the bunch of arseholes or summat,’ Asbo says dismissively, and his lack of interest tells me two things about this new group. One is that they keep themselves to themselves, and the other is that they don’t have any money.

I wander over and one of the worshippers greet me and presses a pamphlet into my hands. It reads…

‘Welcome to the Church of Our Souls – devoted worshippers of the last prophet Headcut Gonzalez, who gave his life for ours.’

‘I’m sorry,’ I say, being in equal measures disgusted and astounded, ‘but this leaflet seems to indicate you are worshipping Headcut Gonzalez, the Courier’s late Halfling issues correspondent? Why would anybody do that?’

The priest turns and says to me ‘Ye! But does it not say in the sacred texts of Courier issue #36 that the great Headcut Gonzalez communed directly with Nuffle himself, and not only that, but gave him a piece of his mind?’

‘It might very well say that,’ I respond, ‘I only work for the Courier, I wouldn’t waste my time actually reading it.’

‘You work for the Courier?’ says the worshipper, apparently impressed. ‘Which reporter are you, O sceptical one?’

‘I am Sasha Von Mittenwagen, culture correspondent.’

The monk turns a startling shade of purple and screams ‘then I name you betrayer! BETRAYER!’ and unfortunately, he has an extremely loud voice and a lot of friends.

Now the only good thing about my experiences with Headcut Gonzalez is that all the pedalling did get me into the best physical condition of my life and so I am just about able to get back into Courier HQ and avoid being lynched, but it’s a closer call than I’d like, and when I say the best physical condition of my life, that admittedly isn’t saying that much. I collapse on the floor panting with exhaustion, and think to myself that unlike Headcut Gonzalez if I ever come face to face with Nuffle I will give him much, much more than a piece of my mind.

Sasha von Mittenwagen

Contributors this week: Barmution, Barninho, Citizen Nev, Crimsonsun, Fallowheart, Gallows Bait, John McGuirk, Jrpeart and Nikolai II.


Mega Star Player
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A statement released from stunty pressure group Halflings Against Murder (HAM) has declared that this years Crunch Cup is '...the safest for Halfling teams in over a decade' and goes on to say that '...we are proud to say that so far in the competition nobody has been able to get a win against our brave lads.' Whilst undoubtedly true the fact remains that there aren't actually any Halfling teams in this years Crunch Cup, a development a HAM spokesman dismissed as 'depressing'.

:D:D:D Lol!!!!


Mega Star Player
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One minor correction. If the Triumph In Adversity award isn't given to just anybody than how have I managed to win two?

Citizen Nev

Mega Star Player
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One minor correction. If the Triumph In Adversity award isn't given to just anybody than how have I managed to win two?

The Courier cannot be held responsible for the seemingly arbitrary decisions of who it gives its awards to.

Gallows Bait

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Gallows Bait
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I would love a Triumph in adversity award, at least then I would have had some kind of Triumph.

Right now I've been on the receiving end of 4 beatings a -10 TD deficient and 6 dead players and according to Mathemajicks my luck is just fine. :(