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  • FriarJD
    FriarJD replied to the thread Not Goblins....
    Thanks for the suggestions. By 'like goblins' I mean retaining some of the chaotic elements and being more dodge orientated than bash...
  • T
    tys123 replied to the thread Not Goblins....
    What do you mean by like goblins? If you mean all the crazy weapons then maybe try snotlings. They die even more but you have more to...
  • FriarJD
    FriarJD posted the thread Not Goblins... in FUMBBL.
    Hi all, I am trying to pick up a real team which is as close to goblins without constantly dying... I don't suppose anyone has any...
  • FriarJD
    FriarJD reacted to Loki22's post in the thread Goblins debut match! with Like Like.
    Today there was a showdown between the Goblins and Halflings to determine which stunties are the best! But you know what they say, a...
  • T
    It is going to be a while before you have 11 players but loner linemen aren't that bad. So buy the apoth 1st and then the tree. Focus on...
  • mamutas
    mamutas replied to the thread Hey!.
    Nice! Then, perhaps, you would want to join one of our 3 BBTactics BB3 leagues? Join Discord at if interested.
  • FriarJD
    FriarJD replied to the thread Hey!.
    Thanks bud! Tabletop when I have the rare time to get to a club, mainly BB3 and Fumbbl atm. Especially now goblins are on BB3
  • mamutas
    mamutas replied to the thread Hey!.
    Howdy @FriarJD !!! Welcome to the forums! Do you play TT or on computer?
  • FriarJD
    FriarJD posted the thread Hey! in Introductions.
    Hey sports fans! Hope we’re all doing good. I’m JD and have been playing on and off since 2016 rule set. Finally trying to do more...
  • P
    Hello, I started a new league, with a brand new TV1000 team on Blood Bowl 2. I chose Wood Elves since I'm not so clumsy with them (they...
  • Netsmurf
    Netsmurf replied to the thread Netsmurf.
    The price have arrived
    • Stuntyprice.jpg
  • S
    Spafe reacted to Mico Selva's post in the thread Hi with Like Like.
    Welcome back! I recently returned to the game after a multi-year hiatus myself, so we are sailing in similar boats. Make sure to join...
  • mamutas
    mamutas replied to the thread Hi.
    Welcome back. @Wolfrider45 ! Just like @Mico Selva said, we have 3 competitions going and signing up for 2 out of 3 now - your timing to...
  • mamutas
    mamutas replied to the thread Chaos factory Black Friday offer.
    Nice! I like the trophy pack. I was looking for something like that a few years ago...
  • mamutas
    mamutas replied to the thread Hi bb players!.
    Welcome on board @Shumy !