High Elf Blitzers
A High Elf Blitzer is a very versatile player, so developing them to maintain their flexibility makes it harder for the opposition to counter them.
Descriptions on the individual High Elf Player positions, the roles they can fill and skills you should select for them.
A High Elf Blitzer is a very versatile player, so developing them to maintain their flexibility makes it harder for the opposition to counter them.
High Elf Catchers are the fastest ST3 players in the game, coupled with their high agility they can be fantastic on both defence and offence.
High Elf Linemen do all the usual grunt work of players in this position, though still possess the ability to make outstanding plays when needed.
A High Elf Thrower is the single best player in the game at precisely and safely getting to the ball to a receiver nearly anywhere on the pitch.