high elf
Test #011: Plan B? 1TurnTD!
Hello, Blood Bowl fans! Welcome to Elf Take! I’m your host Skip Tasteless and I want to thank the community for such a great response. I have decided to come out of retiring and coach my own team for the upcoming Crunch League. Thank you for the games and for making me feel welcome. You … Read more
Test #014: Ultimate 1-Turn Defense?
Hello sports fans! It’s your host Skip Tasteless with another episode of Elf Take! In this episode we’re going to take a peek at a long standing rivalry in the OFL, coach Mardaed vs. coach Lazarus. In this game (replay available here: www.oldworldfootball.com -> Schedule -> Season 14, Week 9) Lazarus has just executed an 8 … Read more
TV1000 High Elf Starting Roster
High Elves are expensive which somewhat limits your options when creating your team, though as you don’t need Fan Factor this is now much easier.