Amazon Teams
Introduction to the Amazon race and a basic overview explaining their strengths and weaknesses.
Find the best Blood Bowl Team or Race to suit your play style. With so many to choose from there is bound to be one to suit you!
Introduction to the Amazon race and a basic overview explaining their strengths and weaknesses.
Black Orcs are the biggest and strongest of all Orcs. Many believe they draw their name from their dark green skin, although the title is more likely derived from their dour demeanour and bleak sense of humour! Grim and singularly focused on violence, it’s no wonder so many flock to the Blood Bowl pitch! Black … Read more
Chaos Pact have a rather varied team with three Big Guys and mixed race players, though this makes them unreliable and can be frustrating to play.
Introduction to the Elf race and a basic overview explaining their strengths and weaknesses.