Fouling Halfling:
- Normal: Sneaky Git
- Doubles: Dirty Player
As Halflings are fairly poor at blocking gang fouling is a popular tactic for the little chaps. Sneaky Git means you can foul with abandon without needing to get all the fouling assists. On doubles Dirty Player is the key choice for maximum damage potential. If you just have the latter without Sneaky Git on your Halfling, then you need to make sure you have the assists in place to have a high chance of breaking armour to get the Dirty Player bonus on the injury.
+ST Halfling:
If you get a strength increase on a Halfling they are probably going to be your main blitzer. With Dodge and Stunty letting them dodge fairly easily into a cage, or past a screen, they can usually get to the ball carrier assuming they are in your limit range. Side Step and Sure Feet are the best follow up skills in your own preference of which order. For doubles I would get Wrestle to counter Block on opposing ball carriers and to help with keeping this asset alive.
+AG Halfling:
A Halfling with an agility increase is very useful to have. They can suddenly dodge anywhere they like on a 2+ (most of the time) and are much better at handling the ball. An AG4 Halfling is also much better at hitting his landing roll if you throw him. I would only use this if you need to score, he shouldn’t be used as a living missile to throw at opponents! Follow the agility up with Sure Feet to increase their reliable range. This helps with scoring range and also the threat of being able to run through to get to a loose ball. Catch can be helpful to save on rerolls or Sprint to get that range even slightly further. For doubles I can’t see past Block mostly for protection reasons.
Halflings Summary:
There are still quite a few skills I’ve not mentioned. Covering the last stat increase options, going to armour six isn’t going to be much of a difference. With the team being so slow as well movement is clearly the better choice. Diving Catch might get some use, though with Stunty passing the ball isn’t a great option. Jump Up can help negate the slowness of a Halfling, the trouble is that a Halfling that has gone down can quite often not be getting back up. For that reason I prefer Sure Feet over Jump Up. You don’t need Leap as you have Stunty to ignore tackle zones when dodging and your agility isn’t great for leap rolls.
Some double options that could be useful, though perhaps more likely as a second double on a Halfling who already has one: Guard can go really well with Block + Dodge + Side Step. Some people may consider Leader though I think there are far more useful options and you can grab opponent rerolls using a Master Chef. Going a bit outside the box I’ve seen people take Hail Mary Pass which enables you to just throw the ball down the other end of the pitch which can be golden on defence. Dauntless could also be handy for a Block or Wrestle Halfling to be able to fight back a bit. A last suggestion would be Strip Ball, if you are facing a non Sure Hands ball carrier and you can get to them, then you might fancy your luck trying a two dice against blitz.
Halflings are a tricky team to play and that is by design. They do break easily and not just when being hit. Avoid leaving them in base contact with opposing players to prolong their lives. Use them to support each other to have a nice defensive screen and gang fouling opposing players is certainly encouraged by some proponents of Halflings!
Brilliant article.
For me I’m tempted to go Diving Tackle then Side Step for the purposes of screening and because I reckon the more Diving Tackle the better against agile teams.
Also I’m sorely tempted to go with Hail Mary Pass as you mentioned. Sometimes you feel like you have hardly any options with ‘flings and I can see it surprising some people, but in terms of getting use out of it it’s probably better to pick it with fun in mind.
One of the things I try and do is get a halfling within scoring range whenever possible to increase the chances of the quick score, and Diving Pass would be an obvious pick on a player used that way. Probably not before Catch or Sure Feet though.
Superb article, and just in time for my new season! Thanks Coach.
i’m just going say this but most poeple i know that have a halfling team do it for shits and giggles, becuase most games i see they get killed literly i made one once and the only team i beat was orge and goblin
hey there coach.. must say I do appreciate your articles here..
i’m playing blood bowl online and have a fairly new halfling team with only one halfling having side step and another AG4 halfling.. the AG4 halfling’s new improvement roll is a 12.. strength increase is tempting but since mainly using this guy to throw and score and not blocking with him till now, i wonder if block can be considered over strength increase for having protection in mind..
It can be considered but I’d take the strength increase, they are far more rare and you need it more. Throw someone else this guy is now built for blitzing with. Hopefully you do get a double for Block on the next skill though as he is going to be targeted a lot. Try and keep him protected behind cover of more disposable players.
I doubt it’s going to happen, but I think it’s a bit of a shame halflings don’t get something to make them more equal to goblins. Like giving them a +AG to their starting stats. Or even + 1 AG and + 1 MA.
My lizardman team went up againest a Halfling team, and i will say this if you want your halflings to surive aginest a team with giant lizards, minotaurs, trees yada yada i’d suggest adding more armour on them, although speed is a good one too, but all in all this is the second worst player to have on the feild if your facing a bashing team, a mixed team or a killing team aka Khorne’s team becuase i know in everygame i’ve played or seen those khorne guys have killed at least one person.
always DP on doubles!
flings need to get their feet bloody!
First line of your summary. Halflings are already Av6. An armour boost would take them to 7. Still not worth taking!
but an armour boost on a fling is one of the most tv effective armour increase!
AV 9-10: 1/12 less armour breaks
AV 8-9: 1/9 less armour breaks
AV 7-8: about 1/7 less armour breaks
AV 6-7 or 5-6: 1/5 less armour breaks!
AV 7 on a skilled up fling can keep them alive amazingly better